Road2CPS Workshop (Mallorca)

The workshop “Digitizing European Business and Society: Paving the Way towards Smart Destinations and Sustainable Tourism” held in Mallorca is included in the Road2CPS project, a “support action” funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 program. In this case, several are the objectives sought within the conference:

  • Sustainable tourism through IoT and CPS technologies.
  • Promote the exchange of different points of view in the CPS world, generating new business strategies.
  • Check the impact on tourism of the different business models traditionally established.

In this event I had the opportunity to present two of the projects in which I have been working on: ClouT and FESTIVAL. Both of them are collaborative projects between the European Union and Japan in the Internet of Things and the Smart City areas.

On the one hand, ClouT (Cloud of Things for empowering the citizen clout in smart cities) project leverages the usage of the cloud to enable smart services for the citizens using the Internet of Things technology. Among the pilots performed, we deployed the Smiley Coupon, detecting people happiness across different cities.

On the other hand, FESTIVAL (FEderated interoperable SmarT ICT services deVelopment And testing pLatform) project presented an intercontinental platform to provide an homogeneous access to a federated set of testbeds through the “Experimentation as a Service” concept.